While the chapter just recently became official as a Not-for-Profit Organization they have been operating for years under the leadership of Norma _____ who typically gave back to the school with proceeds from a cruise she hosted annually. At some point the chapter became silent for a while but a few alumns still used the opportunity of Caribana to keep the link going by meeting at an individuals home. There was an interest to do something formal and it was suggested that the group started of with something free like a Family Fun Day in the park to build up the alumni base prior to moving to a paid event (hoping for a good turn out). For the past 3 years the group has been meeting in the park and each year the number seems to grow. The intent is to get to the point where we too will be hosting a formal event and be in a position to give back in a more significant way.

Welcome to our first blog post, we invite you to travel this journey with us as we get to know more about each other and where the road has led us since leaving St. Andrew Technical High School at 64 Spanish Town Road in Kingston Jamaica. Each month in 2019 we will feature a Distinguished Alum not only in Canada, but all over the world. I promise you will beam with pride to see many of these wonderful achievements coming Straight Outta STATHS! "Come on let's ride on this fantastic voyage"!
Do you want to get involved and give back to your Alma mater? There are several ways you can do so, a gift of your time, contribution to an event, financial contribution and showing up to support your local events. Find a chapter near you and do so today!
Chapter gives back to school
Chapter Gives Back
The chapter donated $500 to the upcoming Solar Program aimed at purchasing solar panels for the school to offset the astronomical cost of electricity the school faces on a monthly basis.